In each addition of this series I want to highlight a new song, a new album or just bring attention to a band or musical act I love and think deserves more listening ears. That’s it really. Just think of it as a little celebration of music. Anyway… onto My Metal Music Musings. To clarify I just like the name, it may not always be metal music.
“All good things must come to an end.” - VANNA
That may be, Vanna, but not all things that end must stay that way forever. In 2017, one of my favorite bands decided to call it quits. Needless to say this was the last thing I wanted to hear from them. Luckily they had a stop in Mesa for their final farewell tour. There was no way I was missing it. My friend and I traveled from Las Vegas to what we thought would be a show at the Underground. Upstairs at the Nile Theater, Dance Gavin Dance was playing at the same time. Rather than playing separate shows, the two bands decided to combine forces and throw one giant party, Vanna ending the night after a seven band lineup. By the end of the night we were exhausted but unbelievably stoked. One last time we saw and heard, “the sound when all hell comes crashing down.”
Luckily in life, from time to time, a rebirth of sorts have been known to happen. Five years ago, the original Vanna lineup returned in the form of INSPIRIT, a band celebrating the spirit of what was when they were known as Vanna. After a few singles, an ep and year hiatus, they return under their original banner, triumphantly the VANNA of old, while venturing into the new world filled with piss and vinegar. I am naturally very much on board with this surprise decision. In celebration of their return, with endless possibilities ahead of them, and of course a new single, “Quiet Place” (streaming now), I wanted to give my completely uncalled for, no-one-wanted list ranking of the Vanna full length albums, least favorite to favorite.
I realize this is just for me, but I don’t care. This is my fun and no one can ruin it. I’ll return to reviewing movies soon, right now it’s music in my crosshairs.
VANNA FULL LENGTHS - Chronological Release Dates
-2007: Curses (Epitaph)
-2009: A New Hope (Epitaph)
-2011: And They Came Baring Bones (Artery Recordings. Razor & Tie)
-2013: The Few and the Far Between (Artery Recordings. Razor & Tie)
-2014: VOID (Epitaph)
-2016: All Hell (Epitaph)

6. And They Came Baring Bones - 8/10

To be clear, I love all of these records. It stands to reason though that I’m going to like some more than others. I’m putting ATCBB at the six spot mostly because of the production. No hate to Matt Goldman, I love his work with The Chariot, but I never felt like Vanna meshed well with his style. Still, standout tracks like I, The Remover, Scarlet Shroud, I, The Collector, Eyes Like the Tides and White Light truly show the dynamic sound of Vanna at full strength. This is a killer record from start to finish, I just think there are five others sitting right above it.
5. All Hell - 8.5/10

This is the reinvented Vanna, a new lineup fully intact, finding their ultimate sound. As it would turn out, this was to be their final release. (Until now of course. More on that later.) Davey Muise had realized his place was orchestrating the madness. His voice, raspier than ever, more angst and grimier, dirtier lyrics make All Hell a final curtain call for the outcast in all of us and it’s phenomenal. Standout tracks: Pretty Grim, Flower, Candle Limbs, Mutter.
4. VOID - 9/10

The album I like to think of as The Few and the Far Between Pt. 2. It carries over the recent style change from a more post-hardcore influence to a more invasive, punk hardcore. There is an extra ferocity on this record first established on TFATFB. The aggression is amped up, the lyrics more dire and an intensity dripping with live show potential. Standout tracks: Toxic Pretender, Holy Hell, Digging, Yuth Decay, Piss up a Rope.
3. Curses - 9/10

In 2007, two things occurred - I graduated high school and Vanna released their debut full-length, Curses. This is the first full-length with vocalist Chris Preece who alongside the angelic angst of Evan Pharmakis’ soaring clean vocals gave the world its first true glimpse at the future of Vanna. Now considered a post-hardcore classic it is replete with clashing riffs, throat shredding screams and endlessly savage breakdowns while never leaving behind the necessary melody and passion. Standout tracks: Surgical Tools, The Things He Carried, Magnetic Knives, Trophy Wives, We Ate the Horse You Rode in On.
2. A New Hope - 10/10

My first introduction to the band. I was blown away from the very beginning. When it was released I played it on repeat for weeks. It’s the sound established on Curses molded to perfection. It begins with what is undoubtedly my favorite opening track from any of their albums. It sets a tone that never lets up, proving they were here to stay. Pharmakis sounds more confident than ever playing off the harshness of Preece who delivers the most sadistic vocals of his career. This established them as a must see live act that proved their worth time and time again. Standout tracks: Let’s Have An Earthquake, The Same Graceful Wind, Like Changing Seasons, Trashmouth (A Vanna mainstay), Safe to Say, Ten Arms.
1. The Few and the Far Between - 10/10

Their shortest record and their most vicious. It is Vanna at its most introspective. The lyrics question the validity of such an uncertain life, that of a traveling rock band. This is Preece vocalist replacement, Davey Muise at his most solemn and painful. He brings into question his own views on God, an afterlife and wrestling with the terror of knowing that when he dies, there’s nothing else. A notion I find all too relatable. While it’s missing key components, primarily Pharmakis on clean vocals, it demonstrates a new direction for the band which has since solidified it as my favorite Vanna record. That said, there isn’t a forgettable track among any of these records. If every band gets their masterpiece, for me, The Few and the Far Between is their ultimate triumph.
This is the history of full-lengths for one of my favorite bands of all-time, VANNA.
And now, a new chapter begins with the original lineup - Chris Preece, Evan Pharmakis, Nick Lambert, Brandon Davis, and Shawn Marquis. A song already released - Quiet Place, promise of new tour dates and an overall return to form. This is an exciting time for us Vanna fans and I just wanted to celebrate it. So I made a list that I will likely be the only one who gives a damn about it but my only goal here was to shout from the rooftops, VANNA IS BACK!
Quiet Place